Friday, August 22, 2014

Faith Based Friday

Hello friends!

If you are a regular follower of my blog, you probably know that Faith Based Friday is my favorite day on my blog!  I look forward to it all week!  And so Thursday night (as I type this), I have absolutely nothing stamped that goes along with "Faith Based Friday" and so I thought about just not doing a Faith Based Friday post this week, but then I decided I would share a little bit with you of how I saw God this week and how my faith was strengthened through a terrifying experience of a friend.

My up-line, Ronda, who has a heart for Jesus like few I've ever seen before had a very scary situation this week that involved her young daughter being hospitalized with an aggressive bacteria that was attacking her skull and brain.  When I got the prayer request, I was immediately TERRIFIED for Ronda and her sweet girl and I prayed so hard so many times during the day for them.  I was distracted most of the day by thoughts of Ronda and Erica and was anxious to hear that everything was okay ... but all along, I was so scared for her.

Long story short, GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS and Erica came through surgery well and they believe they got all the bacteria and that it did NOT penetrate her brain which is just amazing!  I KNOW without a doubt that there were literally hundreds (if not thousands) of people praying for that little girl and I know without a doubt that God was in complete control the entire time. 

I mentioned that I saw God in this situation and, of course, I saw God in answering the prayers and bringing this little girl through this ordeal with a very positive prognosis.  But the biggest way I saw God was in Ronda's reaction.  I knew Ronda was a prayerful and faith-filled woman, but honestly, in that situation, with your child being threatened by a scary bacteria, who WOULDN'T be terrified and worry and cry and beg God to help their baby!  I know I would.  But in one of Ronda's messages to me, she said "I did not feel one ounce of fear or worry...almost supernaturally. I had so much faith and trust because I knew there were thousands of prayers going out for her. God was listening and I knew whatever happened it was the best."  WOW!!  Ronda's faith is just OVER-FLOWING!  I read that message and I thought "man, I want to have THAT MUCH faith in God" ... it made me realize that my faith is still probably in its infancy in comparison.  But I grew just in that moment in my faith.  Ronda, in one of her biggest challenges in life, unknowingly handed out a little lesson in faith.  I was reminded just how BIG our God is!  Obviously, I really can't even find the right words to express the impact Ronda's faith had on me, but I am definitely changed by hearing even her very brief testimony about her sweet girl.

I saw this picture on Pinterest and I thought it applied beautifully to this story:

There's no question Ronda's faith was so much bigger than her fear!  I am praising God for the answered prayers in her family and for all the blessings in my life.  God is good ... all the time!

Until next time my friends, here's wishing you many creative adventures and a very Blessed day!


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