Friday, September 5, 2014

Faith Based Friday ~ Scripture Keeper

Hello friends,

When I started my Faith Based Friday posts, I pointed out that I am no where near being a theologian and that any thoughts I shared about faith are from my heart.  Keeping that in mind with today's post, I wanted to share a little about memorizing scripture. 

I grew up attending lots of different churches ... mostly Baptist and Methodist.  In my adulthood, I settled in to the Catholic faith.  Many people would debate my next point, but coming from someone who has practiced my faith in a variety of churches, the common tie between all these denominations is that we all love God and are just trying to serve Him as best we know how.  That being said, the WAY we go about serving Him and worshipping Him has differences ... some minor and some fairly major.  Without getting in to a debate over "who loves God the RIGHT WAY" (which, of course, there is no "right" way) one thing that is less emphasized in the Catholic church compared to the Baptist and Methodist churches I attended as a child is memorizing scripture.  Contrary to what many non-catholics believe, we actually DO read our Bibles (and have THREE readings from the Bible at every Mass) but we don't really focus on "memorizing" scripture. 

I enjoy memorizing scripture and I think it's good to do.  Here are some Bible verses that I think encourage me to memorize scripture:

Psalm 119:11 ~ I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

2 Timothy 3:16 ~ All scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Colossians 3:16 ~ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

There are lots more verses that I believe support memorizing scripture, but you get my point.  Anyway, today I want to share with you a scripture keeper that my up-line, Ronda Wade designed.  I took the class when she offered it and have been using my scripture keeper for some time now and I really enjoy it and find that it helps me to memorize Christ's word and follow Him more closely.  I keep mine at work and often refer to it and add scripture to it during my lunch hour.

Here's the cover:

The cover and back are made of chipboard.  Everything is fairly flat and I like that because it doesn't get bumped and  don't have to worry about cute embellishments falling off.  I need this scripture keeper to be "user friendly" and it is.

We decorated some of the inside pages and left some without decorations.  Here's a brief peek inside mine:

I hope you have enjoyed today's post and I hope you'll stop back by next week.  Until then, here's wishing you many creative adventures and a very Blessed day!


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